Indian Head Massage in Hull  (ladies only)

Hopi Ear Candling

 (Ladies only)

What is Indian Head Massage?

Indian Head Massage is a wonderfully relaxing massage applied to the shoulders, upper-back, arms, neck, head and face.

What are the benefits of Indian Head Massage?

Indian Head Massage treatment

Indian head Massage helps to improve circulation, stimulating the flow of oxygenated blood to the muscles of the brain and encouraging the body to rid itself of unwanted toxins.

The therapeutic effects of massage may also help to create:

*Relaxation and a sense of well-being
*Increased energy levels
*Improved hair and skin conditions
*Greater concentration
*Strengthened immune system
*Improved sleep patterns

During a treatment stress and anxiety are reduced which can then help to alleviate a wide range of problems within the head, neck and shoulder areas.

What happens during an Indian Head Massage treatment?.

Throughout the treatment you sit comfortably in a chair. 
The treatment begins with an upper back and shoulder massage and then progresses down the arms.  The massage then continues up onto the neck area and then the head. 
The treatment concludes with some Reiki healing to leave you in a state of total relaxation!

£32 for 45 minute session
Contact me to arrange an appointment

> Reiki

> Indian Head Massage

> Reflexology

> Pamper treatments

> Hopi Ear Candling

> Reiki courses

...from my purpose built treatment room in Hessle, near Hull, East Yorkshire