Reiki is a method for healing the mind, body and spirit. It is a Japanese word meaning 'universal life force energy.' It is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive hands-on healing technique which channels universal energy into the body of the recipient. It is a holistic therapy which helps to balance, heal and harmonise all aspects of the person.
Reiki is a system that is safe and natural. It is a holistic way of treating many acute and chronic conditions and brings about spiritual, mental and emotional well-being. The influx of high frequency healing energy into the body stimulates and accelerates the body's own natural healing ability, so that pain relief and physical healing can take place quickly and easily. As such it may be beneficial for any problem within the body.
During a treatment you lie down, fully clothed covered with a blanket. Energy is channelled through my hands and into your body. This activates the body's natural ability to heal itself.
It works wherever you need it most by releasing blocked energies, cleansing the body of toxins and creating a sense of balance. Afterwards you should feel calm, relaxed, restored and revitalised.